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Mindful Eating During Christmas: Effects on Your Sleep Patterns

Now that the Christmas season is approaching, the allure of heavy and fried meals or indulgent sweets tends to become more prevalent. However, it is essential to bear in mind the potential repercussions on both mood and sleep patterns. Dr. Uma Naidoo’s insights from Harvard Medical School extend beyond the influence of food on mood,…

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The Latest Research on Sleep

The world of sleep research is ever-evolving and strengthening the case for getting a good night’s sleep. The research from the first quarter of 2024, does not disappoint, with new findings on what relaxing words during sleep can do for our bodies, how getting too little sleep affects blood pressure, and the link between vitality…

5 Ways To Keep Cool At Night

If you toss and turn at night, often wake up in a sweat and struggle to sleep the whole way through the night during warmer weather – you may be a hot sleeper. It’s estimated that up to 41% of people are hot sleepers. If it sounds like you might be one of them, we’ve…

Transform Your Bedroom For Autumn

Transform Your Bedroom For Autumn As we blow into the cooler months and pull out the trackies, it’s time to also prep your bedroom ready for the winter nights to come. At Sleepy’s we believe a good night’s sleep helps you to be your amazing self, and your sleep environment plays a key role….

Is 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

If only we could sleep less and do more… A common thought people have in our busy modern society, wishing you could live off less sleep but still show up as needed in everyday life. So is it possible? Would cutting sleep back just a little bit, down to 6 hours be enough to get…

What is REM Sleep and Why Is It Important?

Often talked about in the world of health and wellness, REM sleep is the phase of sleep characterised by Rapid Eye Movement (REM), dreaming, increased brain activity and a faster heart rate and breathing. During a normal night’s sleep, a person will go through 4-5 sleep cycles of 90 minutes that include a REM sleep…

Why Can’t I Sleep? The Causes and Solutions

While the cause for your inability to fall asleep easily may have you feeling frustrated, you’re certainly not alone. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, more than half the adult population of Australia suffer from at least one chronic sleep symptom that impacts their ability to live a happy, healthy life. Common causes for sleep…

Does Magnesium Really Help With Sleep?

If you’re active on social media, you’ll no doubt have come across the trend of magnesium. Influencers and brands alike have been spreading their claims of the benefits of magnesium including everything from healthier muscle function, cramp prevention and better sleep. But, does magnesium help with sleep or is this just another supplement trend or…

Sleepy’s Announces Partnership with Mates4Mates

We’re excited to announce a partnership with Mates4Mates — a leading Australian charity changing the lives of current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families — to support ADF members’ health and wellbeing through a good night’s sleep. Sleep plays an important role in the mental and physical health of ADF members….

Mindful Eating During Christmas: Effects on Your Sleep Patterns

Now that the Christmas season is approaching, the allure of heavy and fried meals or indulgent sweets tends to become more prevalent. However, it is essential to bear in mind the potential repercussions on both mood and sleep patterns. Dr. Uma Naidoo’s insights from Harvard Medical School extend beyond the influence of food on mood,…

How Many Hours of Sleep You Should Be Getting

(3 minutes reading) The Quest for Quality Sleep Are you often wondering how many hours of sleep you should be getting for optimal health and well-being? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the science of sleep duration and its impact on your daily life. “The quantity of sleep needed varies, but quality should always…

The Transformative Power of Weekly Planning: A Path to Clarity and Success

In our fast-paced modern world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of our goals and intentions. This is where the practice of weekly planning can become a game-changer. Keeping a weekly planner is more than just writing down your thoughts; it’s a powerful tool for personal growth, organisation, and overall well-being. In this…

Anxiety & Sleep: Cultivating Serenity for Restful Nights

In the fast-paced world of today, it’s common for anxiety to emerge just as we settle in for the night. As our surroundings quiet down and our minds start to unwind, worries and stressors often make an unwelcome appearance. This tag team of anxiety and sleep can create a frustrating cycle that leaves us mentally…

Unleash the Power of Exercise: Protecting Your Mind Requires Sufficient Sleep

Reading time: 4 mins Dementia is a growing concern in our aging population, and finding ways to prevent or delay its onset is crucial. Recent research conducted by a team from UCL (University College London) has shed light on an interesting link between exercise, sleep, and cognitive health. While exercise has long been touted as…

Do You Ever Wonder How Much Time We Spend in our Beds on Average?

Out of the 24 hours in a day, have you ever thought about the portion you spend in bed? Take a moment and guess a number… Got it? If you guessed 8 hours, that might not be entirely accurate. Let’s break it down and see why: Sleep: Typically, adults aim for 7-9 hours of sleep…

5 Ways to Power Up your Life

It can be hard to get through a full week of work, week in and week out, so we’ve put together our top 5 tips of how you can stay energised and renewed every day. These little changes to your daily habits could make a world of difference to your energy levels. Get Enough Sleep…

How Often Should You Change Your Pillow?

Quality sleep is essential for overall physical and mental health, and optimising your bedroom environment and bedding can contribute to achieving better rest. One aspect to remember is maintaining and replacing your pillow when necessary to ensure it provides the proper support, cleanliness, and allergen-free sleeping surface. Experts suggest replacing pillows every 1 to 2…

How Long Does a Mattress Last

A good mattress is a long-term investment that should last you for several years. The lifespan of a mattress depends on several factors, including the type of mattress, the materials used, and the frequency of use. Understanding the expected lifespan of different mattress types can help you make an informed decision when it’s time to…

5 Benefits of Light Exposure

When it comes to regulating our body’s internal clock, light exposure is a powerful tool. Our circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that controls our sleep and wake cycles, hormone production, and other biological processes. Light exposure, particularly in the morning, is essential for keeping this cycle in sync and ensuring we have healthy sleep…

Benefits of Sound Baths for Sleep

Decompress by bathing in sound vibrations through the meditative experience of sound baths. Intrigued? The intention of sound baths is to help balance the energy in your body through a deeply immersive full body listening experience. Sound is used to invite gentle yet powerfully therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.  …

Sleepy’s Favourites

With the concept of sleep increasingly becoming the key to a happier, healthier life, we’d like to share a few of our favourite products to aid your amazing journey to sleep! ACA Endorsement & Back Support ACA Emerge Sleepy’s exclusive tested and endorsed collection with the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA), is a popular product range….

Sleep Problems and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there can be a variety of sleep challenges. Learning about these challenges, and how to overcome them, may help you get a better night’s sleep. Finding Comfort in Sleep It may become increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for sleep. This discomfort may peak in the third trimester as the baby continues…

Sleep Tips Based on your Chronotype

According to Sleep Doctor, Dr Michael Breus, each of us have a particular Chronotype that best fits our sleeping habits. The 4 chronotypes he refers to are the Dolphin, Lion, Bear and Wolf. A chronotype is your body’s natural disposition to be awake and asleep at certain times. Closely related to your circadian rhythm they…

Avoid Overheating this Summer

Australian Summer can be brutal with the hottest months spanning over December, January and February. Although climates vary greatly from one region to the next, Aussie Summers are reliably warm with brief heat waves. Trying to fall asleep during the summer heat can become a little more difficult and uncomfortable, than in other months of…

Best Pillows for Side Sleepers

  If you prefer sleeping on your side, we have the article to help narrow down the best pillows. From latex core pillows to memory foam infused with advanced materials, we’ve compiled the best pillows that Sleepy’s offers to help side sleepers achieve their healthiest night’s sleep. Latex Pillows Latex has grown in popularity as…

Foods That Help You Sleep

Food can impact our energy levels, whether it’s feeling more aware after a morning coffee or lethargic after a Christmas Day lunch. Our diet is linked to quality of sleep and serves as the backbone for health. It’s no secret that both nutrition and sleep play a fundamental role in our health, but the complex…